Wednesday, October 12, 2016

As Post Frontal as Post Frontal Gets 10/10/16

On the Water: 8 AM - 2 PM
Air Temperature: 46 - 58
Surface Temperature: 60 - 63
Water Clarity: Clear on South end of the lake, slightly stained on north end.
Skies: Sunny
Wind: 10-20mph N, gusts up to 30mph

I headed out to my favorite lake, only to find that a large tree had fallen across the access road to the boat launch.  After wasting about 20 minutes trying to find an alternate path to the water, I was unsuccessful and decided to try somewhere else.  There's a small pond that's close by, I had never fished there before, and decided that I would give it a shot.

After rerigging a few rods, I was ready to paddle out.  I started fishing some lily pad edges, that dropped off quickly towards 20' of water.  I started out swimming a green pumpkin PanHead jig, with a motor oil pepper Monkey Grub trailer (both made by Lunker City) and quickly hooked up with a small bass.  A few casts later, a pickerel broke me off.  That was my last PanHead jig in green pumpkin, so I switched to Z-Man Chatterbait in the same color combination, and picked up right where I left off.  It didn't take long to establish a pattern. The fish were holding on isolated patches of grass along the edge of the pads.  I was using a slow-medium retrieve, and twitching my rod and pausing for a split second and then repeat.  The fish were hitting on that slight pause.

Once the sun started to get high, the action slowed down.  I started flipping a jig at some isolated cover.  With the wind blowing so hard, I couldn't stay still long enough to be able to detect a strike.  This was where the day went downhill.  I made a cast off the deep weed edge with a 3/4oz jig, and I felt something on the other end, so I set the hook.  Bad idea... I was immediately hung up on something.  I paddled to the opposite side of the snag to try to dislodge it.  Once I got to the far side, one of the many 30 mph gusts of wind pushed me the wrong direction, as my rod doubled over, I frantically tried to push the release button on my reel, but it was too late.  My rod snapped right in half.  On the bright side, I got my jig back.

There were a few brief periods where the wind would die down to almost nothing, so I used the opportunity to throw a wacky rig around the lily pad edges, and was rewarded with a few more fish.

Although I didn't get any big fish, most were between 1 and 2 lbs, I was still happy with the result.  Having never fished here before, I didn't know what to expect, but I quickly established a pattern, and was able to set some hooks.  Given the conditions for today, I think I would have been satisfied just catching anything.

Total for the day: 13 Bass, 2 Pickerel
Pan Head Jig: 1 Bass
Chatterbait: 10 Bass 1 Pickerel
Wacky Rig: 2 Bass 1 Pickerel

This color combination is perfect when trying to imitate bluegill.  The tail of the grub glows a neon/chartreuse color when the sun hits it, and it closely resembles the tail of a sunfish.  

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